Jackson lives in Richmond.
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Yes, it's the Pixar update. I didn't have time to put anything up while I was there, everyone was working like crazy for the 10 weeks we were there. GOOD JOB EVERYONE. And then I left my laptop in Emeryville. I'm so glad I backed everything up at home otherwise I'd be one sad ex-intern now.
Anyways. We got to do our own project, which was our own version of Hansel & Gretel. They had changed the art internship program to be the ultimate visual development class with Harley Jessup and Steve Pilcher giving critiques every morning, and more critiques from various artists at Pixar every other afternoon. We also got to attend lectures by various Pixar artists, attend drawing workshops, ride scooters, have free cereal, watch top secret Pixar movies, and look at all the pretty drawings. Everyone was super nice and I miss the place already! :(
My version of Hansel & Gretel takes place in the 1920's in New Orleans during the Mardi Gras festival. Enjoy.
Color Script:
Hansel, Gretel, and their family are on vacation in New Orleans:

The kids get lost:

And then are lured away by the witch's candy float:

Parents notice the kids are missing, the witch has just kidnapped them:

Taking the kids to her home in the swamp...

Checks in on them, you get to see her ugly ol' mug.

The witch's house at night, a decrepit old ferry boat in a mardi gras float graveyard. It's a mouthful.

Hansel caged and Gretel in despair...

Gretel steals the key to Hansel's cage, but the witch wakes up.

The witch has poor eyesight so she sets herself on fire and accidentally takes a dive off of her house. And into an alligator's mouth.

Hansel and Gretel escape, the witch's house is on fire. The alligator is full and happy so it gives them a ride back to the city.

Hansel and Gretel are reunited with their family and say bye to the alligator. It's a white alligator. THE END.

(stuff was here)
We compiled all of our work and formatted them into portfolios on the last week. And then since we had all of hour work pinned onto large blackboards, we had to pitch it to some art directors, production designers, and other Pixar employees on the last day. Talk about nerve wracking! And then it was over. I hope to go back there soon!
The other art interns:
Lorelay Bove
Olga Stern
Bridgette Barrager
Kevin Dart
Everyone should have posted their work up by now, so go enjoy it!
My mentor Noah Klocek
I'm glad I got to take this internship, I learned a lot. School starts again in another week, I plan to make the most of it before I start working!